Ran across this great "infographic" (is that really a word?) on Reddit.com. Source is actually a solar power advocacy site, http://howsolarworks.1bog.org/
Bottom line is, assuming daughter goes off to college and we are only feeding two people, we would need 44,525 SF of land to have a chance at living off the land.
My three garden boxes total a whooping 120 SF, so according to this, I'd need 1,113 of my boxes for my wife and myself to be able to survive.
Returning to the original premise of the blog, one of my goals is to eat one meal per week from the garden. Again, working the proportions, this means that I would need 1,060 SF of land, and I'm short by a factor of about 10?
However, the reality is I really am getting a meal a week. In fact, easily had three meals (with food leftover) this last week. I suppose I'm a little heady with this being primary harvest season, and I'm forgetting all the zero yield weekends in February, but still, if I get three meals per week during just eight weeks of primary harvest season, I'm obviously at 24 meals...not so far off from the 52 meals per week goal.
So, goal from here...track meals for a year.
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